usher in your

freedom birth story.

are you ready to claim full sovereignty over your birth?

The journey into or deeper into motherhood is vulnerable, spiritual, exciting, and full of the unexpected. My role as a birthkeeper is to witness and support your undisturbed, sacred home birth experience. I offer mothers the tools needed to prepare for and be the authority over her own birth. On the special day, I attend as support and take birth photography to hold space and capture your transformative experience.

Feel seen, educated, and in your power throughout your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey.

I am currently accepting clients in the Greater Cincinnati Area.


  • Three Meetings Before Birth
  • Meeting 1: We'll get to know one another, begin preparing your heart for birth, and discuss connecting with your baby.
  • Meeting 2: We'll go over birth education, inner healing, your birth decisions, and envisioning your dream birth.
  • Meeting 3: We'll go over final preparations for your birth.
  • Throughout the duration of your pregnancy, I am available for calls and virtual support.

  • Birth Photography
  • During labor, I attend as support and take birth photography. I aim to not disturb the birthing process and to quietly document your experience with intention. While I am primarily a photographer during the birth, I am present in service to the mother. If this mean putting down the camera to assist or stepping away, your needs are my priority.
  • I am on-call beginning at 36 weeks and will come to the birth when requested.
  • If a mother chooses to opt out of photography during the labor, I will be in attendance as a space holder and sister who is available to assist. Be advised I am not a medical provider.

  • Meeting Post-Delivery
  • Birth debrief, postpartum support, sisterhood.